⚠️ WILL BE AVAILABLE FEB 23, 2022 at 11:55AM, Eastern ⚠️
- What is the Starseed Envoy Program
- The envoy program & the Galactic Federation
- Council of 5 role in the envoy program
- Stasis pods on other star systems
- The 144,000 in revelation & the Starseed Envoy Program
- Galactic Federation, Council of 5 & the CIA?
- The Prime Directive
- Elon Musk & the meetings in Antarctica & Ganymede
- Artemis Accord: The joint Earth Space Force under US leadership
- Bloodline Origines
- Cygnus supernova & DNA activation
- Are the benevolent ETs planning an open contact around April 12th?
- & more…

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Elisabeth Van den Bongaard (verified owner) –
It sure activated someting in me thank you all so much love and light
Andrea Kmetty (verified owner) –
I agree with everything because I am a star seed, but I’d like to add to the blood line. As Julie explained, many starseeds were incarnated into families to close down ancestral trauma and karma as their first mission. These starseeds are often Bs or Os because the Earth family has these blood types further down in the ancestral tree. When I look at some of my friends’ galactic astrology charts, they are Earth souls. Still, all of them have Blood A and some O. Alex Collier’s YouTube video “Whispers of the Past” helps you understand why. In that video, Alex takes you through the timeline of our galaxy and Earth, and you will see for how long ETs have been here on Earth and mixed their DNAs and blood with humans. It’s not really about the bloodline, if at all, but the soul matrix. The DNA of the human family has to be able to hold the higher frequency of the star seed’s soul matrix they are incarnating into. The blood type can help because certain types are more helpful to use psychic abilities or connect more to Earth or the stars but not always. Great show, as usual, thank you.
Susan Foley (verified owner) –
Loved the trinity energy of Janine, Julie, and JC (the 3 J’s). Very good questions and answers. I found the blood type conversation very interesting. Something that popped up for me about type O- blood type is that it is the Universal blood type, it can be used in transfusions for each of the other blood types. Perhaps the card Janine pulled with the 3 of cups is pointing to this. It is also my understanding that the Anunnaki were the original civilization on Earth, they mated with Earth humans and we all have trace remanent’s of their blood line. The reptilian brain (the hindbrain and the medulla oblongata ganglia cells) controls our instincts and drive and survival. It is the primitive part of our brain. So here, might be another correlation to JC’s question. Very enjoyable video, hope other’s will find it interesting too.
MIRIAM DRAKE (verified owner) –
This session is full of great information!
Justin Wiley (verified owner) –
A fantastic episode. So many of the questions are ones I’ve been mulling over and over again the past few months, it was great to get some answers! I really appreciate what Julie adds to the dynamic. As a suggestion, I would love to see a deep dive on alien races, especially the Anunnaki and their influence on humanity. Did Marduk make a deal with the reptilians?
Dennis Binns (verified owner) –
excellent program. Personally, I have gone through 2 waves of awakening. One in 1991 in which I experienced what unconditional love felt like, and the 2nd in 2012 where I was awakened. Since then, I have learned that as a RH- blood type, I was a star seed, called a Blue Ray being, and recently I was told to be an angelic being called Uriel. The last, I am unsure of, but I have heard of souls can be fractal. This program adds more information to this. Thank you.
CAROLINE SHAW (verified owner) –
Yes, great show, thank you JC, Janine & Julie!
JC, talking of ‘who we are’ .. have you had any flashbacks of your crystal chairs? The ones you drew? Maybe you built these in Atlantis and on other planets for previous ascensions and decided to come back here to make sure this time round everything goes perfectly? ..(Whatever happened with the vibrations in Atlantis caused the deluge, causing the 6mile deep mud flood). Agree with Susan on the O type, we all have reptilian in us because of Enki messing with our DNA, thats why we are called ‘Human kind’ or ‘Man kind’ because we’re ‘kind of like’ a human.
Maybe the 144k are here to bridge the gap, (WWG1WGA) & we were chosen because we’ve gone through other ascensions and agreed to come to Earth to help. We awaken first and then show others the way. Bridging the gap of the religious & non believers, over to spiritual/magical/galactic. Showing the believers of the cabal religions that we were on a mission from the real creator, God, to help save humanity.
I feel we are the experienced ones, who were trusted to be strong when the shit really hits the fan. A biblical event is coming that will confuse many, where as we will see the truth – they will think it was just a dream. I don’t get 3 days of light. I had a download of an EMP stopping all of Earth (after the stock crash/war scenario/EBS?) and we will (safely) go into sleep paralysis for 3 days, of darkness – then meet our galactic families. But, who knows exactly what will happen?!
Julies question about statis pods – I saw myself laying in one, with other races looking down over me. I recognised one of them. I don’t know if you remember FarScape? The SciFi show. Probably another documentary! The one I recognised looking at me, was Moya’s pilot! Have you ever thought maybe, your higher self is commanding the ship that is above you?
So imagine – Everything WE know today, (from ET experiences, ships above us, years of healing ourselves, waking up, knowing about the children and all the other horrors, finding out we live on a prison planet, that people who are dead are alive and Vis versa, that we are all immortal souls, gifted with amazing abilities etc etc etc ) whilst trying to navigate ourselves through what’s to come, will be hard enough – But then ADD to that, all those woken up sheeple, including family, who are going to bombard us with questions.
This is why I believe we are being woken more every day, preparing to be the strongest we can for humanity.
I don’t know how you guys do this every day, with all this information being downloaded.. But THANK YOU! I had so many triggers whilst watching this show & still coming in. Amazing !
Pamela Rose (verified owner) –
Excellent program with real information for the people. I am a star seed from the 80s and I’ve been awake since I was a little child I’ve known about a lot of this since then and I have had several missions according to Humanity. I do have one comment about the blood types there is a special blood type that’s O negative that has a special spiritual context that has to do with our ending times and Starseeds activation. I do know about one more activation besides the solar activation and that will be the crystal awakening on our planet earth. The Monte less that everyone has known about now will be activated when it is a perfect time and that will activate all the crystals in caves under the ground there are specific Starseeds is associated with these crystalline caves to be able to bring to Humanity when that happens there will be a sort of electric feeling because of the higher frequencies and also those crystals will help us with the Monte list to raise the earth in a specific place. That activation will be when all negative forces or people have been removed from the planet. I enjoy you guys you’re right on with all your information and I do like to see it connected with the Taro card reading and the astrology readings . I’m looking forward for this fun ride should be pretty interesting and finally I can say finally it’s time because I’ve known about all of this stuff since I was just little. You also talked about how Starseeds have been hidden, since I’ve been awake since I was just little I have been protected by higher forces and I also have been chased by dark Kennedys and demons and the reptilian race. Spirit has taught me how to use my frequencies and my higher energies to combat this so in my career I worked with a lot of Reptilians therefore spirit taught me how to acknowledge them, discover who they are what they are and how different they are from humans and then three to be able to destroy them . Destroy them in a way that they just lost their business their financial weigh on earth I don’t know that it totally wiped them off the earth but I had several learning sessions about that. So thank you for all your kindness and love and information.
Nevenka Rasic (verified owner) –
Thank you Janine, Julie and Jean Claude for all your informations and work that you do to help us navigate these few crazy years. Merci beaucoup❤🙏
Carine Mitrecey (verified owner) –
Just hearing about Pods and stasis… my soul swarms in my little human body. This takes on its full meaning… Thank you for this investigation which opens up many questions. Or simply the answers can come by simply being experienced! Love for you three. <3 <3 <3
Maureen Bunting (verified owner) –
I saw the Avatar but didn’t really understand it till J C clarified that. I’ve always felt like a Denizen from another Planet so it helps clear some of the fog. Thank you!
lynneheygster7 (verified owner) –
Fantastic! So much information and lots to know we go into the rest of the year. I’m so excited. Loved what I learned about myself. Thank you all so much.
Astri Groth (verified owner) –
Many Starseeds choose difficult lifepaths on purpose because that will lower their light in that period – like me, I was a troubled kid and I had problems with substanse abuse and suddenly I just quit and I became a healer and a channel in no time, and I got a message from my guides that this happened because now I was safe with shining my true light:)
Aimee Wolfe (verified owner) –
Amazing show…Janine and Julie together bring some powerful messaging from the universe. My intuition has been telling me that by spring things would be looking so much better for humanity, this verified a lot of what I had been envisioning. Looking forward to more shows like this 🤗
Lea Posma (verified owner) –
Absolutely fantastic! You have left me smiling from ear to ear. My mission is becoming clearer and clearer and I feel an eminent lift off! Thank you so much for your magical collaboration together! All my Love to you three! 😘❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
JudithElaine (verified owner) –
Incredible information shared here. Thank you all so much. I am an early bird on the scene in 1950…been waiting, dancing, praying for so long. Very grateful to be alive to see and meet everyone arriving for our big event. Yes, there have been multiple layers and awakenings…many opportunities to clear my field and learn. Many blessings and love flowing to all Creation! You 3 bring so much to be remembered and expanded upon as you introduce us to more of our brothers and sisters. Thank you for sharing the love.
Eric Gabriel (verified owner) –
great info. thank you for sharing and asking the deep questions, beyond the obvious. Merci, Thank you, Niawen Janine, Julie et Jean-Claude .. au revoir 😀
Eric Gabriel
Shawna Meharg (verified owner) –
Where do I even start…this was by far my favorite “Janine Investigates” episode…it was like you all were speaking directly to me. I literally had tears in my eyes feeling like I am finally understood and have a better understanding of myself as well. I actually commented on one of Janines “Tarot by Janine” episodes this morning that I have always felt like I don’t belong here, so that comment around what type of starseed I might be hit deep. I resonate a lot with Julie as I am a Virgo Sun too (she actually did my birth chart for me and its fascinating- go get one!), and I have left the corporate world twice, the last being this past November and I won’t go back. (My friends also think I am crazy for walking away from a lucrative career, but I just don’t belong there). I am determined to fulfill my higher purpose, although I am still trying to understand my mission and am seeking and verbalize with open arms I am ready to receive and am probably tying too hard to hear what that is here. I feel like my soul agreed to come here from another galaxy, but I often might go back and visit while sleeping, but really desire to walk in my magic and destiny since I chose to do so! 🙏
With the warrior, healer and those that raise vibration, I feel like I am the latter, because people always tell me that. That piece was an eye opener as well. People tend to open up to me or be drawn to me and feel more spiritually awakened after we are together and I never knew why. I appreciate Janine explaining the 3 types as now that makes a lot of sense. A couple of other point I definitely connect with is first, like Janine, being disconnected from feeling sorry for struggles because I always have seen it as an experience that develops our souls and we become more awakened and beautiful with the outcome IF we let it and secondly, the root chakra connection comments Julie made is totally me. The stars, storms, and water are my vibe and make me feel at peace and at home.✨
Again, I could go on and on, but I am happy I have found my place within the Beyond Mystic community, maybe even some past life connections with Julie, Janine & Jean Claude …. Now to continue to wait to hear and receive what my destiny is here for this planet until I return home. Much love, light and positive energy to the 3 of you for what you do and projecting it into the universe to do what I can to raise help raise the vibration. Love you guys ~Shawna
Julie Alexander (verified owner) –
Fascinating video, I resonate with so much information that is being talked about in this video. Makes so much sense to me. Thank you JC, Janine and Julie. 💞💞💞
Definitely_Summer (verified owner) –
Wowwww I don’t even know how to comment because you guys really opened up the lid on some mind blowing stuff! This answered so many questions and gave me a dozen more! I have a similar experience as Julie, and I know there’s some man (ET? Other human race? Other location near Earth?) who’s always talking to me in my dreams. Which is not creepy– like I know that just sounded! LOL But in all honestly, the blood type discussions were interesting and I think this was my favorite deep dive that I’ve watched! Thank you for once again giving me more pieces in a puzzle that didn’t make sense with matrix program answers, but you guys always uncover stuff that makes sense to me and the others who watch these.
Maria Vanleusden (verified owner) –
Thank you for information, well received,